New Bedford's City Council and School Committee will conduct a rare joint session meeting next month to discuss rising concerns over discipline issues in schools.
With numerous efforts in recent years to remove the cap set on charter schools in Massachusetts, New Bedford School Committee member Josh Amaral wants to make sure that doesn't happen.
On Monday, the School Committee agreed to send a letter to the state supporting limits on the number of charter schools allowed in New Bedford and Massachusetts...
The New Bedford School Committee has voted to approve a three year contract extension and a pay hike for Superintendent Dr. Pia Durkin.
The vote took place late Monday night, with the Committee voting 6-0 in favor. Committee Member Jack Nobrega was not present...
The newest member of the New Bedford School Committee says he's looking forward to his first budget workshop session Wednesday night at Keith Middle School.
Josh Amaral tells WBSM News, he knows money isn't the answer to every problem in the school system, but it sure would help...