
ORR Threat Update
ORR Threat Update
ORR Threat Update
Old Rochester Regional High School and Junior High School were cleared of a threat that was made Thursday morning. Douglas White, Superintendent of the Old Rochester Regional School District, says a threat was reported to Mattapoisett Police just before noon Thursday, with officers from Marion, Rochester, and Mattapoisett responding to the campus...
Westport Hoax
Westport Hoax
Westport Hoax
A 14-year-old has been arrested on allegations that he called police on May 12 and falsely reported an active shooting at Wesport High School.
Reports Of Yale Gunman Now Called A Hoax
Reports Of Yale Gunman Now Called A Hoax
Reports Of Yale Gunman Now Called A Hoax
New Haven, Connecticut Police Chief Dean Esserman says they believe the phone call reporting a gunman on the Yale University campus Monday was a hoax.  An angry Esserman says the investigation now shifts to finding the person who made the call. ...

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