The Massachusetts Gaming Commission levied a $65,000 fine upon Plainridge Park Casino for repeatedly not complying with minimum security staffing requirements at the Plainville slots parlor.
Between Dec. 26, 2016 and Jan. 7, 2017, and again on Jan...
When KG Urban withdrew their plans for a New Bedford casino, Brockton was left as the only remaining candidate for the Region C casino license.
Thursday, the Massachusetts Gaming Commission decided to stick with the previously established September deadline before entering applications into Phase Two...
BOSTON (AP) _ Massachusetts gambling regulators are weighing what to do next now that developers of a proposed New Bedford casino abruptly dropped out of the competition.
The state Gaming Commission met Thursday after New York-based developers KG Urban Enterprises notified them late Wednesday that they were withdrawing their plans for a $650 million Foxwoods-operated casino because of an inability
With the casino in New Bedford approved, surrounding communities are starting to wonder how they'll be effected.
That's why on Monday, the Fairhaven Board of Selectmen voted to conduct an "impact report" by the Massachusetts Gaming Commission...
The Massachusetts Gaming Commission told K.G. Urban Entertprises that they must give the Commission financial information on their proposed New Bedford Casino by June 9th or they will be out of contention for the Region C Casino license.
New Bedford voters will decide the future of the proposed waterfront casino in less than two months.
The City Council approved a June 23 ballot question during Thursday night's meeting with a 10-0 vote.
How does a proposal to move a Rhode Island casino closer to the Massachusetts border affect New Bedford's chances for it's own gambling venue?
Twin River, which owns Newport Grand, is proposing a move from Newport to Tiverton, possibly to compete with New Bedford's waterfront casino proposal, and the hopes of a casino in Somerset...