Locked In
Locked In
Locked In
NEW BEDFORD - Firefighters had their hands full Thursday night while responding to a call on Purchase Street. New Bedford Fire Chief Michael Gomes tells WBSM News Ladder 4 was responding to a call at 2195 Purchase Street at 7pm. When firefighters arrived, Gomes says a woman at the scene was experiencing some sort of crisis, and was frantically holding onto the firetruck...
Fireman Injured
Fireman Injured
Fireman Injured
A New Bedford firefighter has reportedly been run over by a firetruck. Scanner reports indicate the incident took place around 10:45 this morning in front of the Fire Department Headquarters on Pleasant street. New Bedford Police tell WBSM News early rerports indicate the firefighter sustained injuries to his foot and/or ankle after one of the wheels of the truck rolled over him...