Michael Brown is a household name today in America, not based on anything he had done to improve America or even his little corner of the world in Ferguson, Missouri. All we know is, he came from a dysfunctional home, rescued by his grandmother to some capacity...
REPORT!!! Black Lives Matter de facto leader DeRay McKesson is living in new digs, far away from "the struggle". This would not be real news except, McKesson has no real income to explain the new address but at a closer look it becomes clear why and how he happened to land in this great property...
The police officer who shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, says he opened fire that August day out of fear for his own life. In an interview with ABC's "World News Tonight," Officer Darren Wilson detailed his version of the events that left the unarmed black teenager dead in a street...
Seven school districts have asked the St. Louis County prosecutor to wait until classes aren't in session to make any announcement about whether a grand jury decided charges were warranted in the Ferguson police shooting case.
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who announced his resignation Thursday, made a stop at the UMass School of Law in Dartmouth early last year.
He was invited by law school Dean Mary Lu Bilek, who was impressed by the message the Attorney General delivered to her students...