barrack obama

Trump's Costly Travel
Trump's Costly Travel
Trump's Costly Travel
President Trump is wasting taxpayer money with his frequent visits to "The Southern White House." President Donald Trump has a wonderful home in South Florida that he often enjoys visiting.  Sure, Trump deserves to get away on weekends and a case can be made that the workaholic spends much of his weekend working whether he is in D...
Happy It's Over?
Happy It's Over?
Happy It's Over?
I feel sorry that at times Michelle Obama seemed uncomfortable in her role as First Lady and often just didn't seem to have a good time. As First Lady, Mrs. Obama had a front row seat to much history, able to travel the world and take in sights and experiences that most of us can only dream of. The...
Assassin Hillary?
Assassin Hillary?
Assassin Hillary?
Long before the media feigned outrage over Donald Trump's suggestion that supporters of the Second Amendment might be a strong enough political force to prevent Hillary Clinton, should she win the election, from appointing Supreme Court Justices that could weaken gun ownership rights, Clinton made some eye opening statements of her own that many seem to have forgotten about...