
So Long, Jim
So Long, Jim
So Long, Jim
Jim Phillips is a creature of habit, and I'm sure he's been that way all of his 45 years in broadcasting. In the time he's been here at WBSM, only a handful of people have witnessed what can only be described as a solemn, late-night ritual that Jim performs every time he leaves...
Can Him or Keep Him?
Can Him or Keep Him?
Can Him or Keep Him?
It's been a long time since we've seen somebody of Walter Cronkite's character. His demeanor, his composure, and his character were all cause for complete trust in his role as a newscaster. There will likely never be another like him. That being said, how big of a deal is it that Brian Williams is caught up in several lies involving reporting expeditions...
Alaskans To Visit N.B.
Alaskans To Visit N.B.
Alaskans To Visit N.B.
24 junior high schoolers from way up north will be visiting New Bedford this weekend. On Saturday, students, their parents, and teachers from the Anchor Lutheran Shool in Anchorage, Alaska will spend four hours in the Whaling City soaking up the culture...