Allan Greenson's weightlifting journey began at the age of 47 years old, but 20 years ago, he hit rock bottom with alcohol and lost just about everything.
My name is Phil, and I'm a recovering alcoholic.
Going to treatment and Alcoholic's Anonymous meetings wasn't exactly on my "To Do" list. I didn't get to my first meeting because I had a few rough weekends. I had 17 years of bad weekends, and for me, the turning point became a matter of life and death, near loss of my wife and family, business and my self respect...
Many people have a drink on a Friday to mark the end of the work week.
But heavy drinking appears to be more of a problem in some lines of work more than others.
According to government data studied, miners and construction workers report drinking the most, with the mining industry coming in first and the construction industry not far behind for a close second...