What's going on?

NBH Kids Get Training After Dark
Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech and New Bedford High have joined forces to offer NBHS students instruction in carpentry and plumbing after regular school hours.

Soap Legend Hillary B. Smith Was Born and Educated in Massachusetts
Massachusetts native Hillary B. Smith received the Daytime Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in 1994.

Why Hasn't New Bedford Had Another Woman Mayor?
New Bedford has elected 49 mayors, 48 of whom were men, but only one was a woman.

How Tiny Nantucket Island Disposes of Its Trash
Needless to say, Nantucket officials strongly encourage recycling and composting to minimize the impact on the refuse situation.

What a Massachusetts Landlord Can Charge a Tenant
Can Massachusetts tell a landlord how much to charge for rent? Here's the scoop.

Fall River Faces Lowest Risk in Massachusetts From Climate Change
Though Fall River's overall risk from climate change is the lowest in the state by some metrics, it still faces potential challenges.

When ‘Jack Skellington’ Shot a Film in New Bedford
New Bedford has been the filming location of many films in recent years, including 'Frank the Bastard,' starring Chris Sarandon.

A Massachusetts Prison Cell Gave Rise to Activist Malcolm X
Malcolm X spent time as a teen living in Roxbury and it was when he served jail time in Massachusetts that he began his career as an activist.

New England States Where Passengers Can Have Open Alcohol Containers
Two of the six New England states allow passengers in motor vehicles to hold open alcohol containers while the car is in motion.

Massachusetts Is Home to a Key U.S Space Force Base
The United States Space Force has base locations in multiple states, including a base in Sagamore, Massachusetts.