The City of New Bedford is making a fortune from people who refuse to adhere to the parking ban when it snows. In two weeks, more than $100,000 in tickets have been issued for parking ban violations.

The New Bedford Police Department told WBSM News that 1,490 vehicles were ticketed during the Super Bowl Sunday snowstorm, worth $74,500 in fines. Police towed 83 vehicles. During the January 31 storm, 550 tickets were issued, worth $27,500. That's $102,000, and it's still only early February with more snow forecast for this week.

Almost 2,000 folks received fines for violating the city's emergency snow parking ban in just two snow events. A ticket for violating the ban carries a $50 penalty. If your vehicle gets towed, you have to pay for the tow and most likely storage charges, too. What is wrong with people?

It really doesn't take much to avoid getting a parking ban violation. When the forecast is for snow, just make sure you park your vehicle in accordance with the age-old requirements for parking during a storm. I will link to the rules that get posted on the City of New Bedford's website every time a ban is issued. You can even sign up for the city's app alerts at It is not that complicated.

Almost everyone has a cell phone that contains a weather forecasting service. We are living in the information age. You have to go out of your way to avoid hearing about an impending storm. When you know that a storm is coming, simply check the website to see if a parking ban has been posted. If that is too complicated, just call the local police department and ask.

Could it be that some consider a $50 fine a fair price to pay for not having to move their car? This is beyond silly at this point.

Barry Richard is the host of The Barry Richard Show on 1420 WBSM New Bedford. He can be heard weekdays from noon to 3 p.m. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter @BarryJRichard58. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of the author.

SouthCoast Super Bowl Snowstorm 2021

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