Day Light Saving Time Ends This Weekend – Time To Change Your Clocks
This is the weekend we change the clocks. Turn your clocks BACK an hour when you go to bed Saturday night or at 2am Sunday. You might think I would be happy about this since we gain an hour of sleep but I'm really not. Monday afternoon the sun will go down around 4:30pm. I'm not a fan of that.
How many clocks do you have to change? Technology has made life a bit easier for us with our Smart phones and the cable box doing it automatically, but let's see what we have to set:
- The clock on the oven/range.
- The clock on the Keurig.
- The microwave.
- The wall clocks in the kitchen, living room and dining room.
- The bedroom alarm clocks.
- The CAR!
- My watch, my wife's watch and the kids watches! Where are the instructions?
Here's hoping you don't have too many to change and a reminder from the Fire Dept: they remind you to change the batteries in your smoke detector when you change your clocks. Almost 65% of all deaths caused by fire could have been prevented if there was a working smoke alarm.