Time To Start Back to School Shopping
August is the month to start thinking about back to school supplies. Whether your young one is just starting kindergarten, or packing up for college, there are good deals for every student.
A study done by Yahoo reveals many school item sales that you can use to your advantage as the summer winds down.
Earlier this month, we talked about Walmart having the cheapest back to school supplies out there. You can find some cheap dorm furniture there along with clothes for a low cost.
Other maor retailers such as Target and Office Max hold sales on everything from shoes, backpacks and every school necessity that a student needs to succeed.
American Eagle and Abercrombie & Fitch have reduced their clothing prices to ensure kids can go back to school in top style. It is worth noting that last summer the best time to buy jeans was July through mid-August.
Make sure your sudent can go back to school for a low price! There is no longer a need to break te bank for scool supplies.