
Mitchell on Opioid Legislation
Mitchell on Opioid Legislation
Mitchell on Opioid Legislation
Mayor Jon Mitchell says a bill forged by the House and Senate to curb opioid abuse is good progress. The bill, pending approval by the Legislature and the Governor, would limit opioid prescriptions to a seven-day supply for each script...
The Fight Against Drug Abuse
The Fight Against Drug Abuse
The Fight Against Drug Abuse
With the amount of fatal heroin overdoses on the Southcoast down, and the number of overdose reversals on the rise thanks to first responders, things are looking up in the fight against heroin and drug abuse. But Carl Alves, director of Positive Action Against Chemical Addiction says there's still a long road ahead...
Taxing Marijuana
Taxing Marijuana
Taxing Marijuana
A state senator wants to impose Massachusetts' 6.25 percent sales tax on medical marijuana purchases and assess soon-to-be opened dispensaries a 4 percent surcharge on their revenues. Sen. Brian Joyce, a Democrat from Milton, proposes money generated from the marijuana taxes be designated to a new state fund for substance abuse treatment programs...
New Drug Worries Docs
New Drug Worries Docs
New Drug Worries Docs
A new painkiller is set to hit the market soon, and law enforcement officials and healthcare experts are clenching their teeth. Zohydro ER, a hydrocodone-based painkiller, was approved by the FDA in October, and is set to hit pharmacies within the next month...