
Obesity Rates Drop For Toddlers
Obesity Rates Drop For Toddlers
Obesity Rates Drop For Toddlers
There's another sign that childhood obesity may be on the decline nationwide.       A government study finds that obesity among children ages two to five has dropped to 8 percent -- from 14 percent a decade ago. But the decline was only seen in pre-schoolers, not in older children.  ...
Getting Serious on Obesity
Getting Serious on Obesity
Getting Serious on Obesity
Next time you go for a checkup, don't be surprised if your doctor gets on your case about your weight. The medical profession has issued new guidelines for fighting the nation's obesity epidemic, and they urge physicians to be a lot more aggressive about helping patients drop those extra pounds...
Researchers Have Found a Link Between Smartphones and Obesity
Researchers Have Found a Link Between Smartphones and Obesity
Researchers Have Found a Link Between Smartphones and Obesity
A new study is uncovering a link between smartphones and obesity. Kent State University researchers say college students who use their phones for the majority of their waking hours have much lower fitness levels than those who don't. The study found the health effects on frequent smartphone users are similar to those of people who play video games...
Overeating is Learned as a Baby
Overeating is Learned as a Baby
Overeating is Learned as a Baby
If you ate too much at your Fourth of July cookout, there's a chance you picked up the habit early in life. A recent study has found overeating may be learned as a baby. Researchers at BYU found that babies who were fed formula were two-and-a-half times more likely to become obese toddlers than babies who were breastfed for the first six-months...