New Bedford Ward 2 City Councilor Steve Martins is considering a run for City Assessor.

Martins told WBSM's Brian Thomas that taxes are a big issue in New Bedford, and that as someone who has voted against increasing taxes, he thinks it's important for the citizens to understand better what it all means.

"People need to understand exactly why they are paying what they are paying, and their appraisals, and so on," Martins said.

He said he wants to let people know about the different programs available through the Assessor's Office, and how it can help them with paying taxes.

Martins first became a City Councilor 10 years ago, when he ran as a 24-year-old. He said he ran because he wanted to bring a transparency to the position, and have a Councilor that could be more visible in the community.

"And Assessor's Department just seems to be hidden in the background," he said. "And they should be held just as accountable as any other elected position."

Martins said he hasn't made up his mind as to whether or not he's officially going to run. He plans to have conversations with his constituency to gauge whether or not they want to see him make a run at the Assessor's position.

"Have I made up my mind? I haven't made up my mind. It may seem like I did, but I'm just as frustrated as my constituents are when it comes to this department and taxes," he said. "As I continue that conversation and see what they're exactly looking for in the Assessor's Department, and what they're looking for from me personally, then I'll make a decision soon."

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