Brace yourselves. "Cuffing Season" is almost here. I didn't know what this meant at first, but after reading the article from MTV, I have to admit that I've seen the phenomenon at work! The Urban Dictionary states that "during the fall and winter months people who would normally rather be single or promiscuous find themselves, along with the rest of the world, desiring to be “cuffed” or tied down by a serious relationship. The cold weather and prolonged indoor activity causes singles to become lonely and desperate to be cuffed."

The article describes the evolutionary standpoint for young singles to cling on to each other during the winter months. In the time of "survival of the fittest," those who had paired off were more successful at reproducing than those who wandered alone. Staying warm and finding food was easier for the hunters and gatherers who had help.

The other reason they gave was the hyped up holiday season. Getting invited to that holiday party and being expected to have a plus one can make people long for a companionship sparked by cuddling. And no one wants to be the only one without that New Year's Eve kiss. Even MTV thinks that's why January 2nd is's biggest day of the year!

Snuggling up in bed with Netflix and a cuddle buddy is one of the ONLY perks of winter. Whether it's my boyfriend, or my dogs, I'll ALWAYS find someone to cozy up to. =)

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